When you search the web for small business marketing strategies, you’ll get lots of advice ranging from “create a USP – Unique Selling Proposition” to ” launch a blog to create marketing magic”. Don’t get me wrong, you need a USP to differentiate your business from others who do what you do and a blog is a GREAT way to market your business – but creating a small business marketing strategy begins with something more basic and primal.
As you’re crafting your small business marketing strategy, keep in mind that the key to making money online is EXACTLY the same as the key to making money OFF LINE!
While this approach tends to sound like “To find the beginning, you must start at the end,” it’s really the best foundation for creating a successful small business marketing strategy.
People have Goals.
People have Desires.
People have Problems.
Figure out a way to help people achieve their goals, fulfill their desires or solve their problems and figure out a way to get money for your help, and that is the foundation of small business success.
One refreshing voice who shares this vision is Cath Lawson. I ADORE her blog because it’s obvious that Cath is a “been there, done that” kind of blogger. Her business experience is apparent in each and every post.
In a recent post, she gives the secret of the best small business marketing strategy of all: Give Value If You Want To Survive
To become successful in business, you’ve got to give value. True – you may be able to exchange crap for money in the short term but you won’t get the repeat business, or referrals that are essential to the survival of your business. And you’ll probably kill your reputation too.
So how do you go about finding a way to give value? Well, for a start, I think you’ve got to forget about what you want for a minute and work out a way to give others what they want.
I could copy and paste the WHOLE post here and end with a hearty – AMEN! But that wouldn’t be right so be sure to read her entire post.
In many corners of the web, you will find people who are so focused on what THEY want that they can’t see for a minute what anyone else might want.
In my book, Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver Results one of the TOUGHEST tasks assigned in the book is to create a composite customer profile. The purpose of this exercise is to help a small business owner get OUT of his/her head and INTO the head of his/her customers.
It’s HARD! I get it. But if you don’t believe me, believe Cath Lawson – it’s truly the key to providing value which in turn is the key to creating business success.
harrybusinessmarketing says
Small business marketing strategies consist of three basic steps. They increase the number of customers, increase the average transaction amount and increase the frequency of repurchase. They start with client problems and demonstrate methods to rectify it.
Kathy says
You’re right, of course. Thanks for commenting!