Imagine looking out your window and seeing the following scene:
If you look closely, you’ll see that this wasn’t an impromptu gathering. The home owner actually encouraged this gathering by leaving piles of kibble on the ground to draw the hungry deer to his driveway.
See, when the ground is covered with snow, finding food is hard for the deer. They’re hungry and the piles of kibble provide an easy meal.
If you’re running a business, you’d probably be THRILLED to see customer flocking to your business in the same manner.
The key is putting out the proper bait. See, the homeowner didn’t spread pizza rolls in his driveway. He didn’t scatter newspapers about, hoping to draw the deer. He placed piles of food that deer ACTUALLY like to eat and did it at a time when the deer have trouble finding food.
The deer represent your customers. Your advertising is the kibble. Marketing is how and where you scatter the kibble.
If the homeowner was hoping to look out his window and see a pride of lions, then he was in for a shock. No, he knew that there were deer in the area.
Which makes you wonder… maybe what the homeowner REALLY wanted to see were black bear. Maybe the DEER are the bait. Now THAT would be brilliant marketing.
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