Local advertising is an effective way to reach a niche market (a.k.a. audience) within a specific geographic area. What is local advertising? Local advertising is promoting your businesses to an audience within a specific geographic location. Local advertising can be done through newspaper advertising, magazines placemats signs billboards television … [Read more...] about Local Advertising to Reach Your Niche Market
advertising and marketing for small business owners
Newspaper Advertising Basics
Newspaper advertising is a great way to advertise your business, especially if your target audience is educated and affluent. If you think newspaper advertising is dead, think again. Brick and mortar businesses should seriously consider advertising in the newspaper because of the ability to target a geographic area. Newspaper Advertising by the Numbers Newspaper … [Read more...] about Newspaper Advertising Basics
3 Marketing Tips for Small Business
Looking for marketing tips for small business? You're in the right place. Let's start with the basics. Marketing is a broad term that covers everything from pricing to promotion. When many small business owners say they need help with marketing, they're looking for help with promotion. Most small businesses struggle with three constraints on their promotional … [Read more...] about 3 Marketing Tips for Small Business
Small Business Marketing is More than Advertising
Small business marketing is more than advertising. It's more than brochures, banners and business cards. Marketing is the way you "package and present" your business to the world. The foundation of your marketing is often boiled down to the 4 P's: product price place and promotion. Product is the first pillar of your marketing foundation. What products … [Read more...] about Small Business Marketing is More than Advertising
Small Business Internet Advertising
Small business internet advertising begins with having a website. Unfortunately, a social media profile should NOT be considered your small business website. While social media profiles are definitely part of internet advertising for small businesses, they are not a substitute for an actual website. Unfortunately, many small business owners have been stubbornly avoiding … [Read more...] about Small Business Internet Advertising