Niche marketing strategy means defining a target audience for your marketing message. Quite simply, a niche marketing strategy is choosing the target audience for your marketing materials. Using a niche marketing strategy allows you to save money on advertising while increasing your marketing ROI.
Did you know that every social media marketing campaign BEGINS by developing a niche marketing strategy?
Your niche marketing strategy lays the foundation for your social media marketing campaign. Since customers expect your business to be on social media, you might as well do it right. Doing it right means choosing a target audience before you begin creating content.
I’ve worked with small business owners for over two decades. When I would begin working with a new client, the first task would be to identify their target audience. It’s a key element in creating a niche marketing strategy.
Great Beginnings
Niche marketing strategy sessions would begin well. My clients were hungry for new customers. They loved the IDEA of niche marketing. It would allow them to cut costs while improving advertising performance. However, once we began the process, their enthusiasm would wane.
In retrospect, the root of the resistance was “target audience monogamy.” My clients were afraid if they chose a target audience that they would alienate everyone else. They feared that those not part of niche market would feel like a jilted lover and retaliate in anger.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
To complicate things even further, some clients were viewing choosing a niche as a “til death do us part” commitment. They thought that niche marketing mean eschewing all others and sticking with this decision for life!
No wonder my clients dreaded the process of creating a niche marketing strategy!
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Before you begin creating your niche marketing strategy
Before you begin identifying a target audience for your niche marketing strategy, take a moment to remember the following:
- Choosing an audience as part of your niche marketing strategy will help not hurt your business.
- You’ll get a greater ROI on your marketing investment if you target your message.
- Choosing an audience is not an exclusive nor a lifetime commitment.
- This decision is definitely reversible.
You won’t alienate people outside of your target market by targeting your message to a single audience. When you tightly target your audience, your audience will notice your message. People who aren’t part of that audience won’t feel excluded, they just won’t notice.
When you don’t target your audience for your marketing message, no one notices it. At least when you target your message, someone will notice it.
Creating Your Niche Marketing Strategy
Follow this three step process to create your niche marketing strategy:
- identify the audience
- list the problems this audience faces
- highlight the solutions your business offers.
This simple three step process would often break down during the second step. When asked to identify the problems members of this are experiencing, many business owners freeze. It’s tough when you have no idea what purpose you are serving in the lives of your customers.
Focus on solving problems
If you’re stuck on the second step, it’s time to do some market research.
You’ll need to collect valuable information about your target audience such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. There’s no better way to collect this information than a marketing giveaway. People will happily share this with you so you can contact them if they’re the winner of the contest. Your contest or sweepstakes is also an opportunity to get answers to your marketing research questions.
Contests are an incredibly cost effective promotional tool. You get a lot of bang for your buck by putting together a marketing giveaway. Not only is it a great way to create word-of-mouth marketing, but it can also generate free PR as well.
Get Help with Marketing
Beyond the Niche will take you step by step through the process of
- identifying the type of sale your business is making
- identifying your niche market’s unique needs
- developing marketing messages that appeal directly to your target customer.
Learn how to deliver your marketing message for maximum impact. This books ASSUMES you don’t have money to waste on ineffective marketing and advertising.
Need help promoting your business? Be sure to pick up your digital copy of Beyond the Niche. It’s only $9.99. Get your copy by clicking the button below.
Ursola says
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Amanda says
Identifying the problem should be the primary task, there are so many blogs around but the but it’s hard to get a solution or the desired page. It’s like swimming in the pond to search a key.