When it comes to building community, no one does it better than Liz Strauss over at Successful Blog. She has built an active, vibrant online community. Her latest post, Mind if I Ask Your Network to Help Me Beat Your Car with a Sledgehammer? makes me ask the question, "Is Social Media Marketing in Trouble?" Social Media Marketing is all about transparency. The thing about … [Read more...] about Is Social Media Marketing in Trouble?
major sale
Familiarity Breeds Business not Contempt
It’s a commonly accepted maxim in marketing that potential customers must be exposed to your message at least eight times before they will act. In other words, people need to become “familiar” with your business before they begin doing business with you. One of the reasons why it's so important to adopt a niche marketing strategy is that all of us are bombarded by thousands of … [Read more...] about Familiarity Breeds Business not Contempt
Can Accountability and Advertising Co-exist?
There is a quote that goes "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." It's attributed to John Wanamaker (1838 - 1922) and is widely used because often, advertising expenditures are done with the "spray and pray" method. The reason I wrote my book Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver … [Read more...] about Can Accountability and Advertising Co-exist?
The biggest hurdle you face when making the Major Sale
I've written before on the trials and tribulations my family and I have endured as we continue to adjust to moving 1300 miles away from the state where my husband and I both grew up. Most of our angst centers on making major sale purchases, which almost always involves the hiring of independent service professionals. One factor that has amplified our problem is we moved to … [Read more...] about The biggest hurdle you face when making the Major Sale
The long term value of a customer
Or, how much is your customer worth over the long haul. The past few weeks have been more than a bit trying around here. In addition to getting ready to publish my book Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver Results, I've also had the added stressor of sending my oldest away to college. Last night, after spending the weekend at … [Read more...] about The long term value of a customer