In my post about the CAIR billboard and it’s attempts to promote the Muslim faith, I referenced the Sun Sentinel.
The Sun Sentinel displays Google Ads on their web site.
In case you aren’t familiar with the Google model, Google has two programs. Google Ad Words is where advertisers sign up to have their ads shown on other web sites, and Google Adsense where web site owners agree to display Ad Words ads on their web site.
The thing is, you don’t have any control over the ads shown on your site. Which brings me back to the funny thing about advertising on Google Ad Words. At the bottom of this article about a billboard and promoting the Muslim faith was a Google Ad Word ad for this page at
The page is entitled “God’s Love Toward a Radical Muslim” and tells the story of how a devout Muslim, living in Saudi Arabia came to embrace Christianity and accepted Jesus Christ as his savior.
Now THAT should go next to the definition of irony in the dictionary.
I doubt if CAIR would be pleased with the above chain of events. Maybe their advertising dollars would have been better spent purchasing their own Google Adwords campaign.
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