As you try to reach out and touch someone with your marketing or advertising, it’s ESSENTIAL that you focus upon what’s important to the CUSTOMER. I pound that drum pretty hard in my book, Beyond the Niche but it’s always nice when you find someone else pounding out the same beat! Drew McLellan’s post on Have you committed a Cardinal Zin says:
Whether you are the creator/inventor, business owner, assembly line foreman, sales manager or marketing genius — what matters to you may very well not matter one iota to your consumers or potential consumers. In other words, they don’t want to buy what you’re selling.
That doesn’t mean they don’t want to buy. It means you need to get out of the way. It means you need to be smart enough to learn what matters to or influences them.
PREACH IT BROTHER!!! The Copywriting Maven is dancing to the same beat with her post Just Who Do You Think You’re Talking to … and are they listening? Stephen Denny takes it a step further on his post Marketing Lust where he says:
We can talk ourselves into almost anything. What constitutes a “need” at any given point of time falls anywhere on the axis that runs from "passing fancy" to "temporary insanity," depending on the size and shape of the object of your desire.
If, as a marketer, you know what buttons to push…. meaning what’s important to the customer, then it’s just that easy to create compelling copy.
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