Step #1: Identify your target audience.
Step #2: Identify the Goals, Desires and Problems of the individuals within your target audience.
Step #3: Identify how your product/service helps solve a problem, quench the customer’s desire or help the customer achieve their goal.
Step #4: Begin crafting your marketing message. Laser focus upon a single Goal/Desire/Problem and outline how your product/service solves this problem.
Step #5: Find the right method of delivering your message to the people who want or need your products or services.
By the way, the 5 steps above are DECEPTIVE in that they appear to be very simple and straight forward. However, when you get down to implementing these five steps, you’ll find that it takes a lot of time and energy to really explore each step.
I’ve worked with one client who, in our first conversation, informed me that he knew EXACTLY who his target audience was and WHY they chose to work with him. Eight months (and many hours) later, we’ve learned that the REASONS his clients hire him is a lot more complex than my client (or I) first thought. As we explore the reasons WHY his clients work with him…. the REAL reasons and not those tired clichés, we’ve been able to craft a new compelling message for his practice.
He was frustrated at first. He wanted me to magically solve his marketing problems in three phone calls or less. Now, eight months later, he looks back and sees how much we’ve BOTH learned about his clients and why they choose to work with him. All because we dug down deep to look beyond the "easy" answers and the clichés.
Once we got to the REAL answers… creating a compelling marketing message was as easy as falling off a log. Wrestling around in the mud and pinning DOWN those real answers was the hard part.
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