If you’ve got a small business, you probably created a web site as part of your marketing strategy. After all, a web site is a GREAT way to market your small business -right?
So you bought a domain name, signed up for a cheap “DIY” website solution and VIOLA! You’re the proud owner of a small business web site. Unfortunately, if your small business web site is like most,you’ve probably discovered that your small business web site isn’t contributing much to your small business marketing strategy OR your bottom line.
It’s important to remember that “rules” that determine marketing and advertising success apply to your small business web site as well.
Small Business Web Site Marketing Strategies
Here are the 3 basic rules of creating a web site marketing strategy.
First Rule of Creating a Web Site Marketing Strategy:
You must tightly target your audience.
If you try to speak to everyone, you’ll speak to no one. You can’t sell to everyone and you can’t SPEAK to everyone, so you need to pick SOMEONE to target.
In my book, Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver Results, I walk you through the process ofcreating a Composite Customer Profile.
This is because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to speak to a mob. If you ask any successful public speaker, they’ll tell you that a “secret to speaking success” is picking out members of the audience and speaking DIRECTLY to those people. (By the way, those speakers also TAILOR their message to their audience as well!)
It’s the same with your marketing and advertising strategy. PICK AN AUDIENCE BEFORE YOU BEGIN!
Second Rule of Creating a Web Site Marketing Strategy:
Focus upon your target audience’s GDP (Goals, Desires and Problems)
Trust me when I tell you that NO ONE is buying your products or services because they want their money living in YOUR accounts instead of theirs.
Instead, people are willing to trade CASH for ways to achieve their goals. People are willing to pay money to satisfy their desires. People will willingly go into debt to solve their problems.
Keeping your eye on your target customers and their GDP will make the rest of your marketing strategy fall easily into place.
Third Rule of Creating a Web Site Marketing Strategy:
Build your website on a solid foundation.
When you don’t know what you don’t know about the web, it’s hard to tell the difference between a poorly coded website and one that is performing properly.
If you’re wondering whether your web site is working as part of your marketing strategy, chances are it isn’t.
It’s essential that you are able to make changes to your small business web site. A web site that isn’t growing is dead. Fresh content is like food, water and AIR for your website.
If you don’t have the cash to hire a web professional, then you should definitely consider using WordPress as your website’s CMS (Content Management System). Acumen Web Services offers affordable SEO friendly web sites built upon the WordPress CMS. In addition to setting up your WordPress installation, Acumen Web Services offers EXENTSIVE hand holding tutorials created with novice web masters in mind!
Your small business web site can be an incredibly effective part of your small business marketing strategy – but only if you’ve given your web site a firm foundation based on the three rules above!
Great article. A succesful website is a powerful tool for any business and the key is knowing how to BUILD an optimized site to attract visitors, how to WRITE to sell effectively and turn your visitors into leads, and how to NETWORK your site on the web to maximize your website’s potential. I have written a blog with tips on how to make any website into a real success story. You can read my blog here: http://startasuccessfulbusinessonline.blogspot.com