If your niche market includes targeting baby boomers, you might be surprised to find a lot of your target audience spending their time on the web.
This is in STARK contrast to the current landscape of most of the web. Most of the web is created with young eyes in mind. Take for example the prevalence of teen tiny type used in many website designs Choosing the right typeface is truly an art… read David Airey’s Typography Tips but many graphic artists are in love with a 9 pt arial for content instead of the much easier to read 12 pt size.
Kay Frenzer over at SEOdiva offers a unique perspective on who is actually surfing the web. In her post Gaping Hole in Online Marketing to Baby Boomers, she chronicles many fascinating statistics of baby boomers on the web and how many of them feel ignored by the web.
One thing I’ve noticed with my older clients is they always want to add a page to their blog about “how to use a blog”. Yet, I have SEVERAL clients who are 60+ who are launching their second (or third) careers and are using a blog to help promote their new business.
So if your niche market includes Baby Boomers (people age 45+) then take a look at your site through THEIR eyes. Will they see themselves in the images featured on your site? Can they READ your site? Are you trying to reach them online?
According to Kay’s research, if your niche market included Baby Boomers, you’ll find a lot of them feeling ignored and unloved online!
Kay Frenzer says
Kathy, thanks for mentioning my blog post in your article! I like your blog and am adding it to my feed reader.
Kay Frenzers last blog post..Stop Hackers: Protect Your WordPress Blog
Kathy says
Thanks Kay! You’ve been in mine for a while now!
Warner Carter says
I notice on marketing related niche social networks at ning.com that many of the members are baby boomers.
John says
I’ve read many-an-article about a lot of different content, but this is top of the line! You laid it out very well. Than you for the good read.. : )